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Looking for an original face mask? Sara Carbonero has the Kausi mask-scarf that all 'fashionistas' will want this spring

March 17, 2021

Looking for an original face mask? Sara Carbonero has the Kausi mask-scarf that all 'fashionistas' will want this spring

Are you already thinking about spring? We can't wait for the days to get longer and the good temperatures to arrive... And for this, and in this new normality, we must be prepared and protected with a face mask as the main protagonist. What does Sara Carbonero? The mask-scarf by Kausi with which you'll look protected and 'stylish' in equal parts. It smells like spring!




Since the coronavirus devastated our lives we have learned something: fashion and the protection of our health go hand in hand. Big brands started to get down to work and adapt to this new normality by creating face masks as an essential complement to our looks. It's true that we've been surprised by this way of reinventing ourselves, but we've been even more surprised by how Sara Carbonero makes us dream of the spring season thanks to her scarf-mask.

It's not the first time we've seen them. And although celebrities like Pilar Rubio or Georgina Rodriguez have come to coincide in mask, it is true that the mask-scarf, as good 'fasionistas', have us 'in love'.


As expected, our favorite celebrities and their original proposals were not going to be less in the world of the mask. And it was at this point when the mask-scarf appeared, you still don't know what we're talking about? Well, it's a design that fuses the protection of the mask and the chic touch of the scarf, which Tamara Falcó recently wore. 


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